
对有执照的心理健康咨询师的需求是巨大的,而且还在上升. 现在, 更甚于以往, 博彩平台排名需要精神卫生工作者来支持数百万儿童, 青年, 以及生活受到COVID-19危机影响的成年人. 如果你有兴趣成为一名心理健康咨询师, 亚洲博彩平台排名招收研究生, 心理健康咨询的非学位证书课程.  This program is designed to provide the content required by the State of Indiana for the 心理健康咨询执照. Many states offer reciprocity for licensure and this program is open to students from any state. It is the responsibility of the student to determine whether the LMHC Certificate courses are acceptable to the license board in the state where they intend to apply for licensure.


  • 100% online format taught by experienced mental health professionals with asynchronous instruction and targeted personal engagement.
  • 联邦财政援助是可用的——更多信息请发电子邮件 finaid@4dian8.com 或致电317-940-8200

The LMHC track is specifically designed to meet the needs of school counseling graduates who currently hold a 48-credit-hour master’s degree. LMHC项目建立在学校辅导员的课程基础上, 但入学资格并不仅限于学校辅导员. 这个12学时的课程与 印第安纳州标准 申请LMHC许可证.

  • 该计划包括四门(3学分)课程
  • Applicants must have completed 700 hours of practicum/internship in a qualified school or mental health setting. The university program that issued credit for the 700 hours of Internship will need to sign off on Forms P and I of the LMHCA license 应用程序, attesting that the experience complied with the statutory definition of the “practice of mental health counseling.”
  • Qualifying students can enroll in two courses in the fall and two more in the spring, becoming eligible to apply for the License from the 印第安纳州 by end of the Spring semester.
  • Students are required to enroll in the Fall courses prior to the Spring courses.
  • 只需要选修课的学生也可以申请, 并应联系项目协调员.


Currently accepting 应用程序s for (研究生 non-degree seeking) for Fall.  If you have questions about the admission process or your 应用程序 requirements, please contact gradadmission@4dian8.com.

关于LMHC项目的问题可以直接问苏珊·克莱曼 skleinma@4dian8.com.